Hickory Bark Syrup (Hickory Syrup)

Hickory bark syrup is syrup made from the bark of a shag bark hickory tree. It can be used for meat glaze, cocktails, and as a sweetener. It has a smokey and complex flavor that is nothing at all like maple syrup, and it is made through a very different process.

This Weather!

This weekend felt like spring! What a nice break from the twenty degree weather. We are excited. The kids got to play outside, which means they have actually been sleeping well (so we have too), and we got to get our hands dirty. We (by we I mean Channing) unloaded a trailer full of mulch…

Sugaring: Our Adventure in Maple Syrup

We have never made maple syrup before. But, there’s a first time for everything. After reading about sugaring from an overwhelming amount of sources, we decided to run with it. On January 17th, we tested our sugar maples, and the sap was definitely running! (Above: Channing drills tree (left) and sap running from hole (right).)…